See you in Decatur, AL for 194th Diocesan Convention - By Bishop G

See you in Decatur, AL for 194th Diocesan Convention - By Bishop G

Dear Friends,

This past Saturday, January 25, marked the 194th anniversary of the founding of our diocese and the holding of our first convention in Mobile, Alabama. Tomorrow, we will gather in Decatur, Alabama, for our 194th Diocesan Convention, with approximately 425 clergy, lay delegates, and guests joining us in person for this three-day fellowship.

Each year, the diocesan convention fills me with the same sense of anticipation as a family reunion—excited, a bit apprehensive, and deeply grateful. I look forward to reconnecting with old friends, making new ones, and reflecting on the past year as we discern where God is calling us in ministry work across our beloved Diocese.

This year’s theme is “Go Ahead to Galilee,” inspired by Mark 16:7: “But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you.” This passage speaks to Jesus’ call to His disciples after the resurrection—to go forth into the world and make disciples. It serves as a reminder that God is always calling us forward—beyond the familiar and into new opportunities for transformation and mission. I have no doubts that the Lord will bless our time together and prepare us to answer this call.

We’ll also celebrate the incredible generosity we’ve experienced in our “Equipping the Saints” capital campaign.  Another highlight of our gathering will be an opportunity to visit two of our parishes in the area.  On Thursday, we’ll begin our time together with tours of The Church of the Good Shepherd, which boasts a beautiful Cherokee heritage garden, and St. John’s, which is known for its stunning historic building. These visits enrich our time together by connecting us with the deep history and beauty of our faith community.

I am also excited to hear from and engage with wonderful guest speakers, each bringing a wealth of experience in Christian formation. Prepare to be inspired and challenged as we explore creative and faithful ways to live out our ministries and missions.

Throughout the convention, we will celebrate our shared ministry and hear reports from across the Diocese. We will also have the joy of welcoming our diocesan youth department, who will gather nearby for their own convention and join us on Saturday to lead a morning prayer. Please visit the convention website for updates, live-stream options, and more details about our time together.

As we gather in Decatur, I invite your prayers for our Diocese. We are a community of faith, created by the Spirit and united in the love of Jesus—a love that inspires and sustains us in our work.

I hope to see you in Decatur.


Bishop G